Thursday, July 23, 2009


I was just browsing Sims 2 downloads and I came across something that kind of creeps me out...
A barbeque to cook and eat your babies on. Seriously!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello everyone =C.

I'M SO DEMOTIVATED >=[. I can't bring myself to work on anything for more than 5 minutes *pulls hair out in frustration*.
I wrote down some more back story for Reaper...and evented some more of the character interaction. Still...I feel so annoyed with myself. I don't want to sprite, I don't want to draw, I don't want to write *sigh*. Damn my lack of inspiration *grimace*.

IF I could bring myself to do it, I would be finishing off Shadz's battler (finally) and maybe starting Zane's or Ruby's. Life just doesn't work like that...

I need to so something. I'm going to see if I can be bothered colouring Blank. I probably can't, but oh well...

I kinda have a want to play Sims 2. I wonder what Sims 3 is like? I want it! But I need a new video card...*sigh*

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

*sigh* Cosplay Dilemmas

<- not mine =C.
Not about the game, because I'm waiting for Beta Testers to get back to me.

Alright, so here's the scoop. As most people ought to know by now, I'm cosplaying Squall Leonhart this year for Armageddon. It's in October, but I like to be prepared. I know already my sister is not going to have her Inuyasha cosplay done in time, and when I go to Armageddon I'm going to laugh at her.
A lot.

So here's my problems:

Hair. I have natural Squall hair some/most days, but my hair comes almost past my shoulder blades, so unless I was cosplaying his 25-year-old self I don't think I can pull it off. So my next option is a wig. Upon Googling, I found I'm going to have to fork out $40 in American, most likely. My other option is my friend getting me a brown wig and I use a ton of hair gel in it, but I heard hair gel doesn't work to well with wigs. *sigh*.

Gunblade: Not really a problem, but it's another $30 and it's not that good a quality. But I'm not prepared to make my own (I repell costruction materials, except for clothing), so it's going to have to do.

Dissidia?: My biggest problem. Dissidia won't be released in Aus until around Christmas, me thinks, but it's still his latest incarnation and FF fans will probably already know the outfit really well. It won't be too hard to do, I already know how I would do the fur sides and the leather cape-thing, but I'm just not sure about it. Also I probably wouldn't be able to get the Griever belt buckle, which is a problem. However, if I do go as Dissidia Squall, one thing is certain. I LOATHE the way his shirt and necklace are designed, I believe the original FF8 is a lot more elegant and not as rough and choppy. So if I did go down the Dissidia path, only the bottom half of the costume would be incorporated. Not only because I hate the way it's designed, but because the shirt cuts WAAAYYY too far down for me to get away with it, which brings us to my next problem.

My well-endowed chest: *sigh*. I bought $13 bandages the other day, and I'm probably going to have to buy another 2 to get my chest flat enough to pull this off. Guys get it easy when the cosplay girls >=[. Sometimes I wish I was born as a guy. Then being as I am wouldn't be so friggin' complicated >=[.

On a happier note, one of my biggest dilemmas, the belts, has been remedied. I have found a set of great marron belts perfect for the waist belts, and I also know where I can get my leg belts.
I'm not afraid to admit it, but I'll be using dog collars. At least they won't slip down like the ones I got in my costume o.o.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hey! It's a post!

O.o yes it is.

Hiiii Carl!! Image: Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! Drawn...slightly...realisticly.

On life news: I got Crisis Core and passed all my exams! But I nearly failed Maths. Toldya I would >o<. I also made a trailer for FF8 and wrote a comic for Cosplay Crisis. Whoooop.

I went to a party yesterday, and I met someone who was also into Final Fantasy. Jesus I was surprised! I thought the entirety of Australia hated it! Well, just about anyway! We talked for an hour about it and then I started trying to avoid being dragged into dancing. One of the reasons I'm not mentioning just in case anyone I know decides to come snooping around my blog (hey, it COULD happen, y'know).
My sister watched Twilight AGAIN tonight and just about drove me nuts by saying lines as people said them. Look, I'm already doing that with Crisis Core, but at least I do it IN MY ROOM.
I also got minorly obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh!. Season 0 is the best!! I swear, 4kids really sucks. REALLY.
I should probably finish Dragon Ball though, eh?

Y'know, I'm up to the final boss fight of Crisis Core, and I have something to say about Cloud.
Plus, during the events at Nibelheim before Hojo got to them, Cloud could jump waaaaaay too high for a regular 16-year-old guy. He jumped the entire staircase!! Unless he was experiencing a bloody adrenaline rush, it's really going against the whole 'Cloud-was-a-regular-guy-then-Hojo-stuck-him-in-a-tank-and-now-he's-stronger-than-most-SOLDIERs' plotline.
Then again, he also suffers from Main Character Syndrome and Super Hair Disease.
To quote Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged:

Cloud: My hair gives me super strength!
while Rufus Shinra goes:
Screw the rules I have mako!
and Zack goes:
This next mission is going to be super-special awesome!
While Barret yells:
while Aerith says:
Look, it's Scantily slut slut, oh wait I mean Tifa.
while Tifa gets angry and says:
*rest of party* riiiiggghhhtttt. Cloud: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!
Ok why is Cloud Tristan in this rendition O.O.

Cloud: I was never really in SOLDIER.
Cait Sith: In that case can I be the main character?
Cait Sith: Bugger.