Hey guys! I thought I'd update with something though I don't have much orz. This weekend I'm going to be really busy doing my holiday homework at the last minute. I did get some of it done, but unfortunately, they handed out worksheets. WORKSHEETS?! Jesus, people, they obviously don't understand how much paper we use at home. And my Dad just throws everything out. If he doesn't, it ends up in my bedroom...lost forever...
Keheh, on that note I haven't done a lot of game making lately. Procrastination is my worst enemy.
I did some stuff towards Memories of Dreams, though (the one with Lex and Alice? Yeah)
Did a Lex animation, thought about the system...
Alright, here's the scoop.
If I can get hold of a Dressphere system, that'd be ideal, though in MoD it will be called Dream Change. Dream Change enables the user to change how they dream of themselves, a difficult task in reality, made simple within Wonderland. I don't have a concept of how yet, but it'll probably be through differently coloured Mushrooms.
Lex's default Class- Warrior. Uses a heavy blade he found upon entering Wonderland to slice through foes.
Skills. Power/Metal/Magic/Armor Breaks, Eject Slice, Piercing, Cutting Turn, etc.
Alice's default Class- Time Mage. Controls and manipulates the space/time continuum.
Skills- Demi, Haste, Slow, Stop, Confuse, Mind Crush, etc.
I'll create a proper skill listing later~
Also, each character can only use classes assigned to them. So Lex can't become a Time Mage, and Alice can't become a Warrior.
These are heavily based off of FFX-2's listing, but I shall create my own in time. These will be added to as I continue my development.
Lex's Classes-
Healer (capable of using healing magic and mixing medicinal herbs)
Red Mage
Alice's Classes
Time Mage
Black Mage
Dark Knight
Blue Mage
Chemist (Able to create massive damage through mixing of dangerous/unknown items)
Trainer (Cheshire Cat)
I'm planning to use Charlie Fleed's CTB if I can get it working the way I want...mmm. Dream Change will be controlled by Dream Catchers, complicated webs linking dreams together (aka, Garment Grids). Skills, though I haven't decided how as of yet, will be learnt differently to FFX-2, in order to make it different. Then I won't be completely ripping it off ;).
I liked the Dressphere system, I just thought the story was a bit tacky and the fact it was all girls was BORING. And there was a BATHING SCENE. I'M A GIRL. GOD.
Like FFX-2 though, there will be 'Special Dresspheres' known as Dream's End, that reveal the true and final forms of your two main characters. Lex's won't be obtained until near the end of the game, while Alice's isn't far before that. They're powerful, but they leave the character in critical after use.
Well, it's quarter past one, I'd better finish this off and display some images.
His hair won't be as poofy when I'm done colouring and fixing~ (This image is mirrored, by the way. I like posting my images flipped so I can see my mistakes and see if I'm getting anywhere with my drawing skills =P.