Charlie Lee's CTB is freaking ANNOYING. Let's just say rather than modding the way turns work and etc, it's like he's posting an entire game demo, complete with a SWITCH SYSTEM, which is pretty damn useless in a ONE MAN GAME.
And not only that, he MESSED WITH THE BATTLE ALGORITHMS. So magic now does NOTHING. WHAT THE HELL?
PLEASE explain the point of rendering an ENTIRE SECTION OF GAMEPLAY utterly useless. I wanted to go for a customization system where you could turn your character into a full mage, a full physical fighter, or a mix of the two, but what on earth do I do now?
The WORST thing is that he's made it close to impossible to remove a lot of his changes, especially battle algorithms. And you can't get the Switch option out of the menu even if you REMOVE THE SCRIPT. WUT?
I'm not a scripter but he's releasing this out to the public and it really makes me wonder why. He just released his 'Gaming Arena' revealing the possible reason behind this scripts development in the first place.
As a user of this system I find I have little to no options into changing what I want my player to be able to do. I do realize this is meant to emulate FFX, but there's a lot of good stuff and some really redundant stuff. Redundant, as in, I don't need it, but I can't get rid of it.
Look I think I could survive with the whole dodging the summon system, switching, and a bunch of different skills, but the battle algorithm changes drive me up the wall. He hasn't explained how they work properly at all and basically is just telling his users 'Uh, yeah, this is how my game works, so yours has too to. And I'm not explaining.'
(From this point onward, life issues, so...yeah).
This is on top of a very bad day, where my dad, two weeks before Supanova (cosplay convention) decides to say 'You're not going as Tifa, too revealing.
(that isn't a crossplay -.-).
The thing is I have been working on this costume since October. The day after Armageddon I began working on it!
I've spent close to $70 on this costume, which could've gone to other costumes or better yet, THE TICKET FOR THE DAY. But no, after six months, he says no TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE DAMN DATE.
He's SEEN me wear this costume before! AND HE SAYS NO NOW?!
Also, I won't be online from Saturday until Thursday, I'm going to my Mum's. Unwillingly, mind you. The idea of doing nothing for nearly a week almost brings me to tears.
(Normal, un-life related stuff)
Unless I can figure out a good solution to my algorithm dilemma without blowing a gasket in Charlie Lee's face, I don't know if I'll be able to work on Reaper.
Toldya I often quit early in development =p. I would like to work on it more it's just I'm sick of scripts and bending over backwards just to get the whole thing to even WORK. I did it with Cosplay Crisis and it ended in a 2-3 month HIATUS. I don't know what else I'd use for a battle system (IRC said CTB was the best option...) so continued work on Reaper is a huge maybe.
Sorry guys =/