Hey, look, it's school work, game work and me.
Though Blank isn't really me :V.
Long time since I updated this blog >.>.
But in any case, I've been busy. Working on CC, working on AST, working on school. You might not believe this but I actually spend very little time actually doing 'fun things' and I always regret when I do because I haven't been working. I think I might take a break once CC's done and just...play some games, relax. Year 12 so far, besides a particularly panicking first week due to me not getting all my homework finished, has been a breeze. It's not very hard to keep on top of the work so far, probably because a) no social life b) I'm just so used to working anyway. I might not have CC done but it's a pretty exhaustive game and there's a lot still to do! Believe me, I've been working on it constantly for months D8.
I've begun work on my two folios this year; Media and Art. Both I intend to link with AST. Though I may regret it in later years and look back and say "what the hell was I thinking", at least I have a lot to go off right now. It's easier to work with something I'm familiar with and I enjoy as school work. Unfortunately I was really, really ill this morning in art, so I didn't get to mess around with watercolours as I had intended. I'll probably play with them on Thursday afternoon though, because I'm really interested in them. Like I've expressed in my folio, I want to find ways to replicate my digital finish with traditional mediums. I know the result won't be EXACTLY the same, but I'm gonna damn well try!
Right now, I'm working on CC limit break sprites. Then I have Yagami to sprite and the world map monsters. I have a couple of areas to map too. Work work work D8.