Yes, the character list for CC has been finalized, and your characters stand thus:
Kumo Atsureki, 19, Cosplays Cloud Strife. Limits: Braver, Blade Beam, Meteor Rain, Omnislash.
Levi Raionomoi, 19, Cosplays Squall Leonhart. Limits: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lionheart.
Miri Joumaeshin, 19, Cosplays Tifa Lockheart. Limits: Beat Rush (will add rest later)
Kyer Shinyuri, 18, Cosplays Rinoa Heartilly. Limits: Trinity Rush, Trinity Cannon, Trinity Phoenix, Invincible Moon & Angel Wing.
Shadz Barentain, 18, Cosplays Vincent Valentine. Limits: Galian Beast, something, something, Chaos (>> i haven't gotten all the FF7 limits yet...)
Lulu Shinyuri, 16, Cosplays Selphie Tilmitt. Limits: Full-Cure, Wall, Rapture, The End.
Zane Atsureki, 16, Cosplays Zidane Tribal. Limits: (I'll have to look em up)
Ruby Alexanders, 16, Cosplays Garnet til Alexandros the 3rd or 4th or whatever. Limits: (undecided)
Theo Carter, 17, Cosplays Tidus. Limits: Spiral Blade, Slice and Dice, Energy Rain, Blitz Ace.
and Hanah Daniels, Cosplays Yuna. Limits: (undecided).
If my Dad ever plays this game (which he won't >.>) his party would consist of:
Kumo (he has to pick him, he's the main freaking character >>)
Why? Because all there limits are multi-hit doomsday attacks, that's why.
Bed time, g2g.