Weee super serious work, bed time for you!
I've got an itch I need to scratch and it happens to be one on the parody side of life, which is why I've started work on Cosplay Crisis.
It's basically got the same things as an FF Parody, however all the characters are original characters...awesome, eh? Main character's name is Kumo Atsureki, which translates literally to "Cloud Strife" :/.
The game basically revolves around a bunch of teenagers, who during a fun day cosplaying, contract a virus that turns them into the character they're cosplaying...or so I've lead everyone to believe!
The virus actually works by turning them into the character the person is most LIKE. It's a super-special spoiler that not even the Story & Characterization section knows about, because it's the major twist in the game- it forces the entire group to admit they are like the character they cosplayed.
As such, the main character does have quite a few flashbacks in-game, though often no where near as violent as Cloud's. He does talk to himself sometimes but, unlike Cloud, no voices answer until about 8/9 through the game, and the voice IS Cloud.
The systems and crap are simple, I just need to ask the creator of Final Fantasy: Awakening about the limit system he's using for it. My current system didn't support Limits for some strange, bizzaro reason.
Also, I've been working like made to get the Materia System intergrated and I think I may have succeeded (yay!!) by using a version created by Atoa.
I'm planning to have 4 limit breaks for each character, since that's what FF8 to FF10 had. FF7 had 7 limit breaks p/c, but Kumo will only have:
Blade Beam
And to answer your question "Is Omnislash going to be as frustratingly difficult to obtain as FF7?!"
And my answer is yes. Yes it is.
That's all for now, it's late, I have to go to bed.
Will update tomorrow. And yesh, the logo is mine. MINE!!
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