Hey hey, I really wish it was Saturday =P.
I've really decided to knuckle down and work on my games. And if anyone catches me talking about Mobile Phone game systems, supernatural powers, and button mashing battle systems, kick me, quick, because I suddenly got an urge to make a Heroes fan game and I'm just too loaded up as it is! >.>. Yeah, the sprite IS Peter Petrelli >_<. *kicks self*. So, today i
I'm sort of looking forward to Diversity Week, it's going to be interesting to see if I screw up =P.
Ack, ack, GIMP is being bitchy. It refuses to follow the path my mouse makes since I have to use the mouse that came with the Bamboo FUN tablet I got a little while ago. Unfortunately I kind of have work to do, I have 8 battler sheets need by April, I haven't finished ANY of the battlers required for my own two games demos, and the count for THOSE stands at...hmrph...16. 24 BATTLERS? I think I ought to prioritise a little :/. I'm not even counting walking sprites >.>.
At least I'm still getting H/W done, I guess.
Oh, oh, today I got the ENTIRE SET of the "The Black Mages" albums. Most people probably haven't heard of them. They're a Japanese band that focuses on turning the compositions of Nobuo Uematsu, a theme composer for a lot of games (mainly Final Fantasy) into rock songs. They focus on battle themes mainly but they do others. There are 3 Black Mages albums, The Black Mages, The Black Mages 2: The Skies Above, and The Black Mages 3: Darkness & Starlight. They're like...totally awesome.
Ack, sisters kicking me off. Predictable.
Laterzzz o_^. Big Image is of Squall Leonhart, awesomest dude EVA!
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