I got addicted to Dragon Ball after I became obsessed with proving how crap-tastic Dragon Ball: Evolution is. God, if I ever meet the idiot who directed that movie, I'm going to Kamehameha Wave him in the face at point-blank range.
However, after I managed to use up 75% of our internet usage in a week (ehehe >.>) I'm not allowed to watch it *wails*.
So I'm going to get back to CC.
The game is about 40% done game-play wise, since I want to add a few extra bits in order to make the game more lengthy (i.e, instead of going straight to the train station, you have to catch a plane...wearing cosplay outfits. Kehehe). I've sketched up both Hanna's and Lulu's face sets, and I have sketches of body poses for Hanna, Lulu, Zane and Ruby. Only missing Theo, who's a pain to draw because of that stupid arm-guard. Where Nomura got that design from I'll always wonder >.<. That said, yes, I've drawn and coloured Shadz's face-set and redrawn Levi's. Last version was horrid >.>.
I've got exams in two weeks *dies*. I'm going to fail my Maths one, I really shouldn't be in the hardest maths class. And despite the fact I'm pretty sure I'm failing, everyone still thinks I'm a nerd. Oh, the irony.
Hopefully I'll have Lulu coloured by tonight. Hehehe.
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