Look it's a post~
I've realized that despite the fact I've been stressing over the holiday homework I received and blatantly refused to do, this year is going to be alright homework wise. Tomorrow, I'll get out my Maths work and do the calculations. We were working on Trig and I didn't have a calculator. All the basic calculations are finished, I just need to do the answers.
Game wise, I've decided to rethink my system for my original game (which I'm either calling Memories of Dreams or Dreamscape, I'm leaning towards the latter myself). I know it's unoriginal to copy systems, but in the long run it'd probably be easier on myself. I'm no coder, and I spent half a year looking for someone to script for LOTSL way back when. That headache has made me extremely reluctant to even consider looking to actually recruit a scripter.
On another note, I have been working extremely hard on Cosplay Crisis since the weekend started. My save game is at 16 minutes, and I'm inside the Reactor at a false savepoint. The actual save point for the area will be in the same place it was in Final Fantasy VII.
On that note, I wanted to say something about add-ons. Personally, I think light effects/shadows give the maps a hell of a lot more depth, and the fact I have a single song file for a cutscene, area and a battle gives the game a sense of continuity. I'm using GubiD's song loop and Sandgolem's battle music, coupled with 'The Landing' from FF8 to replace 'Opening- Bombing Mission', the song used in the FF7 Reactor mission.
So anyway, I have a ton of playable content in CC, I just need to link it all up. I'm assuming its going to be more than two hours of time...=/.
So I'm going to leave with a couple of CC screenshots. Tiles are from one of the trial games made with RMXP. Had something to do with Kerobos or something. I don't know where I got them from, though.
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