Monday, January 3, 2011


What am I DOING HERE?!

I hate this place. I hate it's people. I'm tired of being a scapegoat, a punching bag, forced and pushed around. It's bad enough at home, with my workspace designated to the kitchen and I am constantly berated by the random people who come marching through. But here I am, in my worst nightmare. Imagine this visit without the computer! I'd have already put someone through a wall.

What a horrible memory that I completed my game HERE. In this horrific place, where every hour there's a new argument, complaint or irritance. With my shit-stirring younger sister who can't deal with no and bawls her eyes out at the smallest thing, and my arrogant asshole of a brother who lies through his teeth and expects everyone to behave as though he's king of the mother-fucking castle. Then there's those few serene moments that are constantly crushed by Liam not getting his own way because Rachael's sitting in his room. The room he DOESN'T EVEN SLEEP IN.

They're all fucking crazy. I'm not even taking into account my beer-guzzling woman bashing bastard of a step father, and my heart fills with anxious fear just typing that damn sentence. I swore I wouldn't complain this year, but I need to vent. I've already had one breakdown up here and nobody seems to care WHY it happened.

On the word 'why': I needed to go to the toilet, which in this place is forever a danger zone, since the door must be locked and nobody knows whether or not someone is in there. So y'know, head in there, and there's pee fucking EVERYWHERE. I'm not fucking joking. SO I have to wipe it up before I can go and then once I have refreshed myself I clean up the rest of it and wash my feet and hands. I'm so fucking repulsed and angry that if I was the She-Hulk some people would be in a lot of fucking trouble. And you know what the worst fucking part is?

My brother didn't do it.


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