I still have no CC updates so going to update here again~ especially since the blog title was changed 8D.
I drew some SEM fanart of Gunnar. It's funny, since he's relatively timid, but his name means 'war' and 'warrior'. I was doing research in that area of naming and his was one of the names to show up. As was Levi's but I'll get to that later.
In other news, the new PSP's bust too easily. My Square button in my new one jammed within 15 minutes of play. I was like "YOU MUST BE FREAKING KIDDING ME!". I also got a book on anatomy. The male they used for most references looks like an extremely dumpy rugby player. His legs are so FAT! I don't think I'll ever draw my legs like that, unless they're really, really fat. He also hat really fat ankles, and since ankles are the hand equivalent of a wrist, they shouldn't be fat since there's just skin there. That's why getting tattoos there hurt, which I am never going to do (not on the ankles...might get one on my right shoulder blade.) But yeah, his anatomy didn't look right.
Plus I'm used to censorship excluding boobs so penises were unexpected...I don't think I've actually seen a penis in real life.
I wrote 3 pages of Golden Wolf. Yay for writers block -.-. I remember when I was getting 3-5 pages done a day. My record is 50 pages in a fortnight. That's the kind of standard I have to get up to so I can get my books out there.
Skie updated with a Christmas blog about the new rank system in SEM with MOAR GUNNAR SCREENIES 8D (this is kinda weird, being a Gunnar fangirl, but he's awesome =3.)
I can't help but be curious about what Gunnar's 'true form' would be (Veili's is an ice demon form...her wings kinda reminded me of Cirno. Was going to draw Veili vs. Advent Cirno but couldn't get Veili's pose right. Broadsword vs. Broadsword is hard =p). But yeah, Gunnar true form, probably more epic than ICE CREAM. I like my demon storylines. It always seems to be my back up.
"Your character stories don't make sense!"
"Ok then *demonifies them* better?"
(I seriously do this...)
On that note you can probably guess why Lex has blue hair and acid green eyes and is a naturally talented swordsman =P.
I'll post a pencil sketch of Lex here. I'll update later with a picture of my Cloud and Squall plushies in 5 minutes Santa hats. They still look as depressed as ever.